
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Paper Storage

Hello all!  I hope your new year is going well so far.  It seems like this is the time of year when everyone is organizing.  There is a thread going on the Cricut message board about organizing paper.  I'd like to share what I do.  Everyone is different in what papers you like, what size you use most, how you use it and how you want it organized.  Here is what I do:

For my 8.5 x 11 paper, it simply sits on the shelf right above me.  As I am working with my Cricut, this tends to be the paper I use most for cutting so for me it makes sense to have it within arms reach.  Some of you may be thinking that's not organized but it's what makes sense for me and the way I use 8.5 x 11.  :)

My table is L-shaped and at the end of it, I have four JetMax cubes stacked together.  This is where I keep the majority of my 12 x 12 paper. 

Here's a closer look.   I label the spines of my paper stacks so I can tell what they are easily.

Lastly, I was lucky enough to purchase a paper rack from a scrap store that was going out of business.  My sister-in-law gave me a ton of Creative Memories 10 x 12 (I think) paper and that is what I have in the top of this rack.  The bottom is other 12 x 12 paper that I don't keep in my JetMax cubes (mostly solid colors).  At the time that I bought this, I really debated buying two but after I got it home, I realized I love my JetMax cubes more and fitting right at the end of my table works so much better for me.

I hope that you enjoyed my paper storage system and we will be organizing more areas of our scrap rooms soon so I'm sure I will be posting more ways of storage soon! 


  1. Nicely done. You got lucky with that paper stacker. I like the idea of labeling the binds of your paper stacks. Thanks for sharing a great idea.

    Carson's Creations

  2. Love the way you write on the binding of your stacks..great idea.

  3. Thanks for sharing! I love to see others craft spaces:)

  4. If it works for you, then it's organized! ;) Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great organization! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Paper storage does seem to get messy from time to time! I love your paper rack. What do you do with smaller scrap pieces?
